Gabriele Pezzoli Trio

Gabriele Pezzoli Trio

GABRIELE PEZZOLI TRIO Gabriele Pezzoli, piano | Cédric Gysler, double bass | Brian Quinn, drums JazzAscona 2025: Gabriele Pezzoli debutta con il suo trio e il nuovo album June JazzAscona accoglie per la prima volta  con grande entusiasmo Gabriele Pezzoli, musicista...
Bazil Meade with Alberto Marsico & Castagnole Community Choir

Bazil Meade with Alberto Marsico & Castagnole Community Choir

BAZIL MEADE WITH ALBERTO MARSICO& CASTAGNOLE COMMUNITY CHOIR Alberto Marsico, Hammond organ | Luca Guarino, drums | Daria Moscatelli, conductor | Castagnole Community ChoirSpecial guest: Bazil Meade, lead vocals Una leggenda del gospel ad Ascona È con una vera...
Tony Momrelle

Tony Momrelle

TONY MOMRELLE TBA |  Star e pilastro della scena soul europea: l’ex Incognito Tony Momrelle per la prima volta a JazzAscona! Tony Momrelle è uno dei musicisti soul più entusiasmanti e significativi della scena britannica contemporanea. Conosciuto mondialmente e per la...
The Big Five feat. Nicolle Rochelle

The Big Five feat. Nicolle Rochelle

THE BIG FIVE FEAT. NICOLLE ROCHELLE Nicolle Rochelle, vocals | Laurin Habert, sax baritone & clarinet | Daniel Duspiwa, tenor saxophone | Johannes Böhmer, trumpet | Andrej Hermlin, piano | Leo Gerstner, percussion | Jack Latimer, guitar | Malte Tönissen, bass The...
The Jungle Jazz Band feat. Nicolle Rochelle

The Jungle Jazz Band feat. Nicolle Rochelle

THE JUNGLE JAZZ BANDFEAT. NICOLLE ROCHELLE Laurent Humeau, trumpet | Eldar Tsalikov, clarinet | Carlos Santana, trombone | Thomas Dekas, banjo | Ben Lehmann, double bass | François Perdriau, drums Special guest: Nicolle Rochelle, vocals La Jungle Jazz Band e Nicolle...