Swiss Jazz Award 2022 goes to Nolan Quinn 

May,2022 | Press Release

The Swiss Jazz Award is an awaited event among jazz fans, which in past years has honoured musicians such as Pepe Lienhard, Raphael Jost, Bruno Spoerri, Franco Ambrosetti and the late Othella Dallas.

Nolan Quinn

This year, the prize will be awarded to a local musician on Saturday, 25 June, on the Chiesa stage.

Born in Lugano in 1996, trumpeter, composer and producer Nolan Quinn has built a solid reputation as a jazz musician, as well as an inspired, reliable and versatile artist. With his album Dusty West, released in December 2019, he has raised awareness both of a wider audience as well as music critics. In JazzAscona, he will present Dusty West with his quintet.

  • Swiss Jazz Award 2022 goes to Nolan Quinn | Press release PDF



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Luca Martinelli
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